Materials for Self Help

Khushi Kendra

Peer Support

Our Mission

Supporting Mental Health.

"Our mission is to promote the mental health and well-being of adolescents through education, counseling, and support services. We believe that mental health is a critical component of overall health, and that every young person deserves access to high-quality and compassionate mental health care. Our programs and services aim to empower adolescents to make informed decisions about their mental health, overcome stigma and discrimination, and access the care and support they need to thrive. We are committed to working collaboratively with communities, families, and other stakeholders to create a supportive and inclusive environment where all adolescents can achieve their full potential."

Materials for Self Help

Ray Of Hope Khushi has curated material to assist adolescents. Coping with Stress: A Mental Health Resource for Children and Adolescents": This resource provides information and strategies for children and adolescents to manage stress and build resilience. It includes tips for self-care, such as getting enough sleep, exercise, and nutrition, as well as relaxation techniques like deep breathing and mindfulness.

Khushi Kendra

Counsellors at your doorstep Lay counselors for mental health are individuals who do not have formal mental health qualifications but are trained to provide basic mental health counseling and support services to people in their community. As there are few mental health professionals available and where there is a high demand for mental health services.

Peer Support

Ray of Hope utilizes a peer-to-peer approach, where trained lay individuals, who are often community members themselves, are trained to deliver mental health services and support to those in need. The program aims to improve access to mental health care and reduce the stigma associated with mental illness in the community. The trained lay individuals are taught to provide basic counseling and support, as well as to identify and refer individuals with more serious mental health conditions to formal mental health services when needed. Ray of Hope also provides training and support to the peer health workers, helping to build their skills and knowledge in mental health and enabling them to provide better care and support to the community. The Peer Health Model for mental health has been successful in improving access to care and support for individuals in the community and reducing the burden of mental illness in the region.


“With the support from Ray of Hope, I feel empowered to face the challenges better than ever.”

Neeraj Singh, student ,Kota

Contact us

342 HN Ext D Block Jaipur 302012

Mon-Fri 9-5pm
